Collect API
The Collect API enables you to send Thing and User data from your server to so that it appears in the Web Portal and enables engagement functionality.
The Report endpoint sends an Events array containing one or more events. The following kinds of events can be sent:
- Thing events
- Custom events
- Other Misc. events
Common Collect API Fields
Each event in the Events array may contain the following common fields:
This is a mandatory field that defines the type of event. For example, user_created. Each type of event may have different mandatory and optional fields.
Contains the primary content to be transferred by an event. The payload field contains one or more fields (some are mandatory and some optional). These fields are described in the tables below.
and thing_id
Practices for your unique identifier for a User or for a Thing:
Each User identifier must be the same user identifier that is sent from a mobile device’s application using the SDK.
Each Thing identifier must be the same physical device identifier that is sent from a mobile device’s application using the SDK.
Unique identifiers for Users and Things are required when reporting events so that the activity described in the event can be attributed to the relevant User or Thing.
A unique identifier that you provide with each event sent to Report. This ID enables tracking of the event for future reference, if needed. This event_id is particularly important when an invalid event message is returned by Report. This unique event identifier enables you to analyze the problem and resend the event to Copilot, if necessary.
UNIX EPOCH timestamps in milliseconds (starting from 01/01/1970 UTC).
Field validation constraints on the timestamp
- Must be in milliseconds.
- Must be during the last 30 days.
- Cannot be a future date.
General Field Value Constraints
For the following fields ‒ event_id
, user_id
, thing_id
and email
- Maximum String Length ‒ 50
- Supported Characters ‒ Supports all Latin extended, including the following special characters:
: - . _ + @
- The following characters are not supported:
< > { } [ ] ; # & ( ) $ | ^ \ / , * = % ! ~ "
For the following field sub_type
- Maximum String Length ‒ 50
- End point :
- HTTP Method :
- HTTP Headers:
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization: Basic $YOUR_AUTH_DATA_HERE$
- Example of HTTP Request:
"events": [
"type": "thing_interaction",
"event_id": "d1d777e1-98f6-4b7d-998c-85cb756f4320",
"timestamp": 1559560974642,
"payload": {
"int_val": 666,
"interaction_type": "BestInteractionEver",
"category": "super_interesting_cat",
"thing_id": "63:64:78:26:b1:c7"
Success response
"invalid_events": []
Error response
Failure (in case of missing a mandatory property):
- Case of missing "timestamp" property:
"invalid_events": [
"event_id": "f6a1c1d2-7932-414b-a480-31ea08d97200",
"index": 0,
"error": "Event missing field: timestamp."
- Case of unrecognized event type:
"invalid_events": [
"event_id": "d459b177-9afc-498c-984e-4ba6fb0aa249",
"index": 0,
"error": "Event type not recognized."
Error response general structure
"reason": enum,
"error_message": string
Possible errors:
- HTTP code: 405
- HTTP code: 400
"error_message": "Request missing field: 'events'."
- HTTP code: 400
"error_message": "The field 'events' must be an array."
- HTTP code: 400
"error_message": "The field 'events' must be an array containing between 1-200."
- HTTP code: 400
"error_message": "The header 'content-type' must be 'application/json'."
- Not bearer or basic token - HTTP code: 401
- Invalid token - HTTP code: 401
- Token expired - HTTP code: 401
- Invalid user role - HTTP code: 403
Success response structure:
HTTP code: 200
"Invalid_events": Array<InvalidEvent>
- Invalid event structure:
If event id exists:
"event_id": string,
"index": number, // index in the original array
"error": string
If event id doesn’t exists:
"index": number, // index in the original array
"error": string
Error handling
Possible errors due to invalid events:
"Event missing field: {field_name}"
"Payload missing field: {field_name}"
"Payload has unknown fields. (note: {field_name})"
"Payload should not have more than 20 keys."
"Payload must be an object."
"Event structure is invalid."
"Event type not recognized."
"Event timestamp must be a number. (note: timestamp must be in ms)"
"Event timestamp must be a positive number. (note: timestamp must be in ms)"
"Event timestamp invalid. (note: timestamp must be in ms)"
"Event timestamp cannot be more than 30 days ago. (note: timestamp must be in ms)"
"Event timestamp cannot be in the future. (note: timestamp must be in ms)"
"Event cannot be null."
"Event must be an object."
"{field_name} contains invalid characters. (note: specials characters are limited to: [':', '-', '.', '_', '+', '@'])"
"{field_name} length invalid. (note: 0-50)"
"{field_name} must be valid string."
Field validation
Field name | Valid string | Valid string length | Valid character | Valid timestamp | Valid dictionary |
thing_id | V | V | V | X | X |
user_id | V | V | V | X | X |
firmware_version | V | X | X | X | X |
model | V | X | X | X | X |
email | V | V | V | X | X |
subtype | V | V | X | X | X |